



特别是两个重要主刊《Detective Comics》和《Batman》,七十多年的连载中无数亮点脑洞大开,可惜数量太多时间太久,至今没有勇士能汉化全套……但我又很希望能找个地方吐槽,于是就在这里挖个坑,一边介绍漫画一边发点小感想好了~将来我自己重温前文时也方便查询……




蝙蝠侠系列第一集于1939年5月《侦探漫画/Detective Comics》第27期开始刊载。故此其目录从027起计数。(下简称DC


1941年6月起《世界最佳拍档/World's Finest》从第2期开始刊载。(下简称WF




DC027  The Case Of The Chemical Syndicate/化学辛迪加事件  (蝙蝠侠初登场)

DC028  Frenchy Blake's Jewel Gang/法兰兹·布莱克的珠宝大盗帮

DC029  The Batman Meets Doctor Death/蝙蝠侠初遇死亡博士

DC030  The Return of Doctor Death/死亡博士归来

DC031  Batman Versus The Vampire, Part One/蝙蝠侠与吸血鬼(1)

DC032  Batman Versus The Vampire, Part Two/蝙蝠侠与吸血鬼(2)

DC033  The Batman Wars Against The Dirigible Of Doom/蝙蝠侠大战末日飞船  (含蝙蝠侠起源)

DC034  Peril in Paris/巴黎惊情


DC035  The Case of the Ruby Idol/红宝石神像事件

DC036  Professor Hugo Strange/雨果·斯特兰奇教授  (雨果·斯特兰奇初登场)

DC037  The Screaming House/尖叫屋

DC038  Robin the Boy Wonder/神奇小子罗宾 (罗宾初登场及起源)

BM001-1  The Joker/小丑 (小丑初登场)

BM001-2  The Giants of Hugo Strange/雨果·斯特兰奇的巨人们

BM001-3  The Cat/猫 (猫女初登场)

BM001-4  The Joker Returns/小丑归来

DC039  The Horde of the Green Dragon/青龙帮

DC040  The Murders of Clayface/泥脸谋杀案  (泥脸初登场)

DC041  The Masked Menace of the Boys' School/男校的恐怖假面

BM002-1  The Joker Meets the Cat-Woman/小丑遇见猫女

BM002-2  Wolf, the Crime Master/犯罪大师沃夫

BM002-3  The Case of the Clubfoot Murders/畸形足谋杀案

BM002-4  The Case of the Missing Link/遗失的环节

DC042  The Case of the Prophetic Pictures/预言肖像事件

DC043  The Case of the City of Terror/恐怖小镇事件

DC044  The Land Behind the Light/光芒背后的大陆

BM003-1  The Strange Case of the Diabolical Puppet Master/恶魔傀儡大师的怪奇事件

BM003-2  The Ugliest Man in the World/世上最丑陋的男人

BM003-3  The Crime School for Boys/男孩犯罪学校

BM003-4  The Batman vs the Cat-Woman/蝙蝠侠VS猫女

DC045  The Case of the Laughing Death/狂笑的死神

DC046  Professor Strange's Fear Dust/斯特兰奇教授的恐惧粉尘

BM004-1  The Case of the Joker's Crime Circus/小丑的犯罪马戏团

BM004-2  Blackbeard's Crew and the Yacht Society/黑胡子海贼团与游艇协会

BM004-3  Public Enemy No. 1 Starts Jail Sentence/头号公敌入狱

BM004-4  Touchdown for Justice/触地得分即正义


DC047  Money Can't Buy Happiness/金钱买不到幸福

DC048  The Secret Cavern/秘密洞穴

DC049  Clayface Walks Again/泥脸归来

BM005-1  The Riddle of the Missing Card/遗失之牌的谜团

BM005-2  Book of Enchantmen/魔法之书

BM005-3  The Case of the Honest Crook/清白的坏蛋

BM005-4  Crime Does Not Pay/恶有恶报

DC050  The Case of the Three Devils/三个魔鬼

DC051  The Case of the Mystery Carnival/神秘狂欢节

DC052  The Secret of the Jade Box/玉匣的秘密

WF002  The Man Who Couldn't Remember/不能遗忘之人

DC053  Viola Vane/维奥拉·范恩

DC054  Hook Morgan and his Harbor Pirates/铁钩摩根和他的港湾海盗

BM006-1  Murder on Parole/假释谋杀

BM006-2  The Clock Maker/钟表匠

BM006-3  The Secret of the Iron Jungle/钢铁丛林的秘密

BM006-4  Suicide Beat/自杀辖区

DC055  the brain burglar/大脑窃贼

WF003  Riddle of the Human Scarecrow/稻草人之谜 (稻草人初登场)

DC056  The Stone Idol/石神像

BM007-1  Wanted: Practical Jokers/招聘专业小丑

BM007-2  The Trouble Trap/棘手的陷阱

BM007-3  The North Woods Mystery/神秘的北部森林

BM007-4  The People vs. the Batman/人民VS蝙蝠侠

DC057  Twenty-Four Hours to Live/最后24小时生命

DC058  One of the Most Perfect Frame-Ups/最完美的诬陷 (企鹅人初登场)

WF004  The Ghost Gang Goes West/西部幽灵强盗

BM008-1  Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make/石壁不足以为囚

BM008-2  The Strange Case of Professor Radium/镭教授的怪奇事件

BM008-3  The Superstition Murders/迷信谋杀案

BM008-4  The Cross-Country Crimes/跨州犯罪


DC059  The King of the Jungle/草莽匪王

DC060  Case of the Costume-Clad Killers/穿制服的罪犯们

BM009-1  The Four Fates/四种命运

BM009-2  The White Whale/大白鲸

BM009-3  The Case of the Lucky Law-Breakers/幸运的违法者

BM009-4  Christmas/圣诞节

DC061  The Three Racketeers/三个骗子

WF005  Crime Takes a Holiday/犯罪休假

DC062  Laugh, Town, Laugh/狂笑之城

BM010-1  The Isle That Time Forgot/被时间遗忘的岛屿

BM010-2  Report Card Blues/成绩单的烦恼

BM010-3  The Princess of Plunder/掠夺公主

BM010-4  The Sheriff of Ghost Town/鬼镇的警长

DC063  A Gentleman in Gotham/哥谭绅士

DC064  The Joker Walks the Last Mile/小丑的最后之路

WF006  The Secret of Bruce Wayne/布鲁斯·韦恩的秘密

BM011-1  The Joker's Advertising Campaign/小丑的广告作战

BM011-2  Payment In Full/全额付清

BM011-3  Bandits In Toyland/玩具强盗

BM011-4  Four Birds of a Feather/鸟以群分

DC065  The Cop Who Hated the Batman/憎恨蝙蝠侠的警察

DC066  The Crimes of Two-Face/双面人的犯罪 (双面人初登场及起源)

BM012-1  Brothers In Crime/犯罪兄弟

BM012-2  The Wizard of Words/言语诱导

BM012-3  They Thrill To Conquer/征服快感

BM012-4  Around the Clock With the Batman/全天候蝙蝠侠

DC067  Crime's Early Bird/早起的鸟儿会犯罪

WF007  The North Pole Crimes/北极犯罪

DC068  The Man Who Led a Double Life/双重生活的男人

BM013-1 The Batman Plays a Lone Hand/蝙蝠侠单干 

BM013-2  Comedy of Tears/眼泪的喜剧

BM013-3  The Story of the Seventeen Stones/第十七块石头的故事

BM013-4  Destination Unknown/未知终点站

DC069  The Harlequin's Hoax/丑角的恶作剧

DC070  The Man Who Could Read Minds/能读心的男人

BM014-1  The Case Batman Failed To Solve/蝙蝠侠没能解决的案件

BM014-2  Prescription For Happiness/幸福处方

BM014-3  Swastika Over the White House/白宫前的纳粹标志

BM014-4  Bargains In Banditry/盗匪买卖

WF008  Brothers In Law/龙兄虎弟


DC071  A Crime A Day/日行犯罪

DC072  License for Larceny/盗窃许可

BM015-1  Your Face Is Your Fortune/颜值制胜

BM015-2  The Boy Who Wanted To Be Robin/想成为罗宾的男孩

BM015-3  The Two Futures/两种未来

BM015-4  The Loneliest Men In the World/世上最孤独的男人们

DC073  The Scarecrow Returns/稻草人归来

DC074  Tweedledum and Tweedledee/特嘟嘟和特滴滴

WF009  Crime of the Month/犯罪之月

BM016-1  The Joker Reforms/小丑从良

BM016-2  The Grade A Crimes/犯罪品级

BM016-3  The Adventure of the Branded Tree/刻印之树的奇遇

BM016-4  Here Comes Alfred/阿尔弗雷德驾到(阿尔弗雷德初登场)

DC075  The Robber Baron/强盗男爵

DC076  Slay 'Em with Flowers/鲜花谜案

BM017-1  The Batman's Biographer/蝙蝠侠的传记作家

BM017-2  The Penguin Goes A-Hunting/企鹅人狩猎

BM017-3  Rogues Pageant/盗贼游行

BM017-4  Adventure of the Vitamin Vandals/维生素海盗的冒险

WF010  Man With the Camera Eyes/拥有映像之眼的男人




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